Site Service Functions

In the Site Service Profile, there are tabs where the different Site Service functions are activated.

To activate the Site Service functions:

  • Open Site Service profiles by selecting Store setup > [Site service] Site Service> Site Service profiles;
  • Select and edit the profile that is going to be changed;
  • Select the tab you want to change the settings;

Tabs and their functions:

Gift cards: You can issue and pay with gift cards using this function.

Credit memo: This option activates a function which makes it possible to issue credit memos and pay with them on the POS.

Central suspensions: This option enhances suspend and recall functions so that with it, it is possible to suspend and recall transactions centrally.

Inventory: You can make a query about the stock numbers on the POS with this function.

Customer: You can choose to use centralized customers when creating a new customer.

Central returns: You can choose if you want to use central returns.

Chapters Gift Cards to Central Inventory Lookup have detailed information about the LS Site Service functions.


Reviewed July 2020
Version: LS One 2020